This collection of music is provided as a resource for churches and individuals. The songs that are posted on this site are listed alphabetically on the sidebar below. By clicking on a selected title you will link to these resources:two printable versions of sheet music -- one includes melody, guitar chords, and an arrangement for keyboard; the other is simply the melody line and can be used as a bulletin insert. This free sheet music is in .pdf format. (If you do not have a .pdf reader you can download the free Adobe Reader).
audio sample -- helps the listener become familiar with the mood and tempo of each song -- you'll hear the computer playing the sheet music arrangement.
May the Lord bless you and your congregation as you plan your worship services, and as you join together to offer praise to God alone!
What's in a Name?
In Spanish, "camino" is the word for walkway or road; "merced" is the word for mercy. The name Camino Merced suggests the "way of mercy" and reminds us of the prophet Micah's statement regarding what the Lord expects of his people -- "To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
Though music appreciation has been a lifelong interest, songwriting is a relatively recent focus in my life. Growing up, I enjoyed singing in the junior choir at church, and as an adult I have been a member of various choirs, ensembles and music teams. As a result, voice is the primary instrument I use when composing songs, although I do work out the chords on the keyboard.
The process of songwriting has been very fulfilling to me, in great measure because it blends so many important components of my life—the love of music, the crafting of words, the study of Scripture, even the detail-oriented parts of music notation—and all the while, I can try out various versions of each song as I take my daily walk around the neighborhood!
We currently live in Plantation, Florida where my husband, Brad, is a chaplain at Covenant Living of Florida. We have two sons: Kirk lives in Amsterdam and works for Samasource. Kent, who works for the US Commerce Department, is married to Sam. They live in Washington DC and are the parents of our grandson. Our daughter Betsy is a post-doc researcher at a lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts. God alone knows what lies ahead, but I am confident that wherever I go, he will lead, if only I will follow.
Wherever I Go
(from Psalm 139)
Lord God, wherever I go today,
You know my steps,
You know my way.
And though I know you only in part,
You know ev'rything that is in my heart.
You know my thoughts,
You know my days,
You know my paths
And all my ways.
If I rise up on the wings of the morning,
Or if I go down to the farthest sea,
Still you will lead me to life everlasting.
You place your hand of blessing on me.